How we helped to check the safety of tendons

The challenge
Tech Park II is a large IT park, equipped with high-tech support services covering an area of just under 100,000 m2.
It was completed in 2014. But during the final installations, some tendons were drilled into, where drilling wasn’t permitted.
The architect and developers therefore decided to check the safety of the structure and integrity of the drilled tendons.
Our Hilti solution
Our Hilti PS 1000 X-Scan Detection tool was chosen for the job.
First, the X-Scan was used to detect the exact location of the tendons and to measure the depth of concrete cover above the tendons.
This scan data was then compared with the depth of the drilled holes, to see if the tendon was at the same depth – to see if it were possible that the tendon could have been hit.
The results showed that none of the tendons had been damaged during the drilling and the structure was safe.
This was a great non-destructive way to determine the safety of the structure, saving time and delay for the project.
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