Design post-installed reinforcing bars

If you need support in designing your rebar build, then our PROFIS Rebar software tools can help.
Our PROFIS Rebar software helps to calculate the anchorage lengths you need, all based on what our adhesives can do and our years of cutting-edge rebar research.
It makes designing post-installed rebar connections easier than ever before.
Just enter your information about loads and geometry.
The results can be exported in the form of a report with details of how to install the connections onsite.
All you need is a licence key to use PROFIS Rebar:
New users:
If you’re a new user, simply sign up by following the link below.
>>Insert link to registration page.
Existing users:
If you’re an existing user, after our update, follow the instructions on the screen and a license key will be sent by email.
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